
Nerve Backend, serving the needed

View the Project on GitHub R1cebank/Nerve


The adventure hub for those willing to help, and earn a few extra bucks along the way.

This is a web application that utilizes the realtime API provided by the Nerve server by R1cebank to connect prople that need help and people willing to offer a hand.

Built using, Angular.js and Twitter Bootstrap.

Building the application

$ npm i -g gulp
$ cd quest-board-web/
$ npm i
$ bower i
$ gulp
$ gulp server

You will need Node.js and NPM to run the commands above.


Nerve is the powerful back-end server serving data for QuestBoard. Nerve is using Heroku as its running platform and it is currently at Nerve

Building the application

$ npm i
$ gulp


Copyright © 2015 Idea Family, Denis Luchkin-Zhou

This is a proprietary solution owned by Idea Family (/src/*) and Denis Luchkin-Zhou (/gulp/*). Redistribution without express written authorization from all of the copyright owners is strictly prohibited, and will be pursued to the fullest extent of the applicable laws.